Tuesday, June 17, 2014

On the road again...

Well... it's been awhile.

So, the update is:  I'm back.

I am back because I know that I need to live my life awake... not just sleeping through the days hoping and dreaming that things will get better some day.  I need to be awake to the possibilities, awake and engaged to make a difference.  I am awake to the spiritual battle, the physical battles, the mental battles.  I am awake and trying my best to stay AWAKE!

So, what am I doing to stay awake:

1)  I am logging my food in My Fitness Pal because it's a great app and seems to keep me aware of my calories and choices.

2)  Reading my Bible every day in attempts to stay connect to the "vine" so I can actually possess the fruit of the spirit:  love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self control.  Journaling what I am learning in my reading/prayer time.

3)  Using my bike:0)  Because I like my bike and I think it's fun!

This is my awakening.
Too many days spent being in the fog of depression and no motivation.  I want to do this because:

1)  I need to feel the joy in my heart.  It's there, its always there, I just had not felt joy or one ounce of happiness for years... walking around like a zombie... consuming the joy of others and leaving them as zombies too... no more.

2)  For my family.  They need me to be joyful and hopeful.  I need to lead them in this example.

3) For my faith to be increased.

4)  For my life to be LIFE.

That is all... for now!

Products I am using:

- Advocare Fruit Punch Spark
- Advocare Meal Replacement Shakes Dark Chocolate
- Larabars - Cherry Pie (bc they are amazing!)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

I made it to 72... But...

Ok, so the 72 Day AdvoCare Challenge has come and gone.... I started pretty well.  Finished terribly. In the midst of all of this "challenge" I was challenged by lots of other life events including two family deaths, a serious family illness, and a personal back injury.  Though I am still grieving, still recovering, and still struggling, I refuse to let me health get worse... it will make ALL of that challenging and stressful stuff even WORSE!  So - I'm on a new re-start!  Starting... TODAY!

I have a 6 month goal:
1)  Can You 24 DVD (it's a 24 minute workout every day)
2)  Continue my AdvoCare products that work for me including a Shake Smoothie every morning for a good start.
3)  Planning on drinking more water.
4)  Planning on losing 1-2 lbs per week.
5)  Planning on rewarding my accomplishments with things I enjoy that are non-food related.
6)  Treating this as a fast for a few ket things I feel led to pray about - freedom.
7)  Keeping my focus on the reasons I am doing this:
- For Heath and Wellness
- For My family
- For my Spirit, Mind and Body
- For the love of myself
- So I will feel good about myself

START DATE:  MAY 7th, 2013

END DATE (to record results):  NOVEMBER 7th, 2013 (this will be a year since I started AdvoCare products as well).


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Day 10 of 72

Today I have been discouraged.  Had a mixer planned last night and there was an ice storm coming!  Everyone that was going to attend ended up canceling.  It was hard to have my first mixer flop.  Hoping for better mixers in the future!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Day 5 of 72

MUCH better day today.  Yesterday was so very hard.  I caved a little and had some corn chips... but, all in all, I feel I am doing well with the eating portion.  Trying to make new habits in the workout area of my life.  I did the Can You 24 DVD today and it was fun!  Gonna strive to workout tomorrow and Sunday in order to make up for the 2 days I skipped this week due to housework and STRESS!  I know, there should be no excuses... but this week, there really were valid ones for me.

So, this is my journey to JOY.  Working out and following a plan really did help me to feel joyful today.  It was a beautiful day outside, opened the windows, cleaned everything.  It felt good to get all that done.  Success!  One day at a time.  I've tried to just go encourage someone else when I feel down on myself... that always seems to help!  Looking forward to more great days ahead.

Thought about the people who have spoken wonderful things over me... like this being a year of JOY and taking care of myself after such a terrible time of trial last year.  Also, thought about how a friend advised me to bring sin to light or else it doesn't get exposed and changed.  I've worried that I am too open with my goals... I guess the real fear is that I will disappoint myself AND others!!  But, exposing the goal somehow makes it real and also ushers in help!  Help is needed!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Day 3 of 72

So, why is it that day 3 is always so difficult!?  I am hopeful this gets easier again.  I have been drinking water like crazy in order to just stay out of the pantry!  Such a stressful day, too.  DH has the flu, DD's are just wild and DS is resisting homework this evening!!!!

One thing has become very clear to me... I want to eat CARBS when I am stressed.  This was maximum stress level day.  I wanted chocolate and bread all after noon.  So very hard to resist.  I even felt panicky when after I ate peanut butter and veggies... I wanted something sweet.  I tried to appease myself with a piece of fruit.  I thought, well, maybe this is really something I need right now?  Well, the banana did not do the trick.  Oh well.  Really, I am not complaining about this - I need to lose weight and, hey, everyone has hard days.  I am just trying to figure out my triggers and why I freak out when I can't eat a carb... hmmm

Haven't done my workout yet.  Going to take some me time and do it after the kids go to bed.

Tomorrow WILL be better!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Day 2 of 72

At the end of the day I FINALLY got in my first CanYou24 workout.  It was really fun and surprisingly I said to myself "I can do 24"!  It was very do-able... unlike the previous DVD series I attempted where I had to add 11 hours of workouts to my week!  Today, I got up and got going - had my Spark, Catalyst, and MNS Max 3... did the Stretch workout at a moderate pace.  It was a nice mix of yoga and stretches I am used to.  It was a GREAT start to the day!  I'm glad it's out of the way!  Now, on to breakfast!  Steel Cut Oats and an egg!  Again, just like my first Challenge, I was very cranky on the 1st day.  What is up with that?  I guess it's the adjustment to the changes.  Hoping for a better day today.  Off to a good start!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 1 of 72 Day Challenge

Day 1 of 72

1/7/13 - Woke up early because my DS had to be ready for school this morning at 6:30am... however, I decided that my warm bed was more appealing than getting a jump start on the day.  Hoping this mentality will change.  Slept till 8:00am and then got up with the girls.  A man rang the doorbell at 8:30 to work on the house.  Should have gotten that jump start on the day.  I have learned my lesson!  Anyhow, took my measurements, weighed (ugh), took my pictures, entered the contest on YouCan24 website, took DD to the gym for her class... FORGOT TO EAT BREAKFAST.  Great... so, I have tried to make up my breakfast all morning.  Eating and supplements are not quite on schedule, but I feel alright at this point.  Waiting for my 2nd Spark of the day and Catalyst.  Will do that soon.  ADJUSTMENT!  I will get there - have to have grace! 

Here are my goals:
  1. Be patient with myself when I make mistakes - have grace.
  2. Lose 10% body fat (trying to decrease the body fat % and increase the fat free mass %)
  3. Encourage others along the way.
  4. Stay committed to this process and the workouts 3X/Week.
I can do it!  I know it!  I won't start my Herbal Cleanse until mid February.  Should be interesting to see how that affects my results!  Gonna go do the workout now instead of blogging!