Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Day 3 of 72

So, why is it that day 3 is always so difficult!?  I am hopeful this gets easier again.  I have been drinking water like crazy in order to just stay out of the pantry!  Such a stressful day, too.  DH has the flu, DD's are just wild and DS is resisting homework this evening!!!!

One thing has become very clear to me... I want to eat CARBS when I am stressed.  This was maximum stress level day.  I wanted chocolate and bread all after noon.  So very hard to resist.  I even felt panicky when after I ate peanut butter and veggies... I wanted something sweet.  I tried to appease myself with a piece of fruit.  I thought, well, maybe this is really something I need right now?  Well, the banana did not do the trick.  Oh well.  Really, I am not complaining about this - I need to lose weight and, hey, everyone has hard days.  I am just trying to figure out my triggers and why I freak out when I can't eat a carb... hmmm

Haven't done my workout yet.  Going to take some me time and do it after the kids go to bed.

Tomorrow WILL be better!

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